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Dart Etiquette: Social Rules of Darts

Darts is considered a “gentleman’s sport.” There are certain things that are expected of players, scorekeepers and spectators. While there are some players that do not follow these guidelines, it is usually because they are rude, ignorant or sore losers. Better players will not like to associate with these kinds of players, and often such activity can lead to the better players giving the offenders a “taste of their own medicine.” Stick to these simple rules, and you will have a much more enjoyable game and make a lot more friends than enemies.

Sportsmanship in Darts

Generally, all dart players are good sportsmen. They will shake hands at the beginning of a match and wish each other good luck. Similarly, at the end of the game they will shake hands and say “good game” or “nice shooting”.

No Distractions
  • Don’t go “ooh” and “aah” with each dart that is thrown.

  • Wait until all three darts have been thrown to say “good darts” or “right there”.

  • Do not make sudden movements in front of the shooter. Scorekeepers should remain statue-still while a player is throwing.

  • Even better, try to always stand behind the shooter outside their line of sight.

  • Spectators should try to keep movement and noise to a minimum while a player is shooting.

  • No one but the scorekeeper or a teammate should tell the shooter what has been hit.

  • What has been hit should only be announced if the shooter asks.

  • No one, except a teammate, should ever tell the player what to hit next.

Score Your Darts Before You Pull Them

By following this rule you can avoid many arguments. If you write down the score on the board before you pull the darts from the board, you can show your opponent what you threw if there is a discrepancy.

Don’t Be A Sore Loser

Appreciate what the other player has accomplished. If the other player bested you, live with it. Remember if you had thrown something really amazing, you’d be happy about it, so be happy for the other player too. Not only will this show that you are a lady/gentleman, but by keeping your own spirits up, you will remain relaxed and throw you’re next darts better than if you got angry or tense. Many players have lost matches purely because they got angry and their game suffered.

Playing with Partners

Way too often, players openly voice their displeasure when they get a lesser teammate in a blind draw. Making discouraging remarks about other players will not only make them uncomfortable, but will lead others to think negatively about you. Nobody wants a bad reputation; it makes it harder to find partners for other events, and makes people uneasy when playing around you.

A positive attitude and encouragement goes a long way. Mind your manners, even when you get a weaker teammate, and it will make darts a lot more fun for everyone involved. Think about what it might be like if the roles were reversed, would you like to be on the other end of a disappointed partner? It is a lot harder to play well in that type of situation.

When confronted with a partner that you do not know, or one who is a beginner, have a conversation with him/her. Creating a comfortable setting for you and your partner should be your first objective. It is also important to avoid getting angry when your partner makes a wrong shot. Instead, explain what would have been the right shot, and why, your partner will probably appreciate the instruction. Another route is to have a talk before the throw, working out a strategy. Eliminating confusion will help put a newer player at ease and improve their game.

Remember these simple rules of etiquette in the game of darts and you’ll be respected and welcomed by darters of all levels.

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